Twitter Content Locker

Twitter Content Locker plugin is a good solution for website promotion via Twitter. With this plugin you can hide part of your content (for example, images, download links, passwords or other important information) from users. User must share your page on Twitter to view hidden content.

How it works

Below you can see how the plugin works. I have some important information, but it’s hidden for you until you share this page. To view full content just click share button in the box below. 🙂

Share this page on Twitter and view full content!

How to use Twitter Content Locker plugin

1. Install the plugin. It is installed as any WordPress plugin.

2. Now you can wrap any “secret” content with shortcodes [twitterlocker][/twitterlocker].

Please check out several examples below:

This content is hidden. It is visble for users who shared this page on Twitter.

[twitterlocker message=”Type any message here to replace default message by yours!”]
This content is hidden. It is visble for users who shared this page on Twitter.

You also can use special button with your WYSIWYG-editor (screenshot below) to insert Twitter Content Locker shortcode.
Twitter Content Locker: WYSIWYG-editor button

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. 🙂

You can download Twitter Content Locker in WordPress plugin repository.

PS: If you like to lock your content with Facebook Like, Google +1 and Twitter Share, visit this page: Social Content Locker.


  1. Здравствуйте, Иван!Будут ли индексироваться Гуглом и яндекс посты под Twitter Content Locker плагином, я еще новичок в сайтостроении,может вопрос звучит неправильно.

    • Ivan Churakov

      Приветствую, Полина. Та часть поста, которая скрыта, индексироваться не будет.

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