Subscribe To Unlock Content

Subscribe To Unlock Content is a plugin that allows to lock important content on your WordPress website and display it for subscribed users only. All you need to do is to wrap protected content with shortcodes [subscribelocker][/subscribelocker]. If people want to view this content they must submit their contact details. After submission all locked content became visible. Very simple workflow. All submitted data is saved in database or can be re-submitted to MailChimp or iContact newsletter systems. All saved data can be exported as CSV-file to be used with any other newsletter systems. Subscribe To Unlock Content is a perfect way to extend functionality of your website.


  • Modern and secure opt-in form: CSS3 AJAX-driven opt-in form.
  • Lock important content: don’t display important content until user submitted contact details.
  • Remember subscribed visitors: plugin remembers users who already subscribed the page (using cookie).
  • Regular locker mode: content is completely hidden until user submitted contact details.
  • Soft locker mode: content is visible for search engines (for users it is locked through JavaScript).
  • MailChimp supported: contact details can be submitted to MailChimp through their API.
  • iContact supported: contact details can be submitted to iContact through their API.
  • WYSIWYG editor: edit content of subscribe box with visual editor.
  • Accept shortcodes: Insert any shortcodes inside of subscribe box.
  • CSV Export: all data can be exported as CSV-file to be used with any newsletter systems.
  • Terms & Conditions supported: enable or disable terms and conditions for opt-in form.
  • Shortcode driven: wrap protected content with shortcodes [subscribelocker][/subscribelocker].
  • Caching plugins friendly: plugin uses PHP and JavaScript to avoid problems with caching plugins (for soft locker mode).
  • Easy to install: install and activate the plugin as any other plugins.
  • Translation ready: plugin might be translated to any language.
  • WordPress Best Practices: no any alerts from Plugin Check and WP_DEBUG.



Dear visitor!
If you see this content it means that you already subscribed user. Enjoy!



1. Install and activate the plugin like you do with any other plugins. Once activated, it will create a menu “Subscribe To Unlock” in left side column in the admin area.

2. Click left side menu “Subscribe To Unlock >>> Settings” and do required settings. Set locker mode, e-mail template, MailChimp and iContact parameters, etc. Please look at the screenshot below to see what kind of settings you can do there.
Back End Functionality: Settings

3. Go to any post/page edit page and wrap locked content with shortcodes [subscribelocker][/subscribelocker]. This shortcode is replaced by opt-in form automatically.
Back End Functionality: Post Edditor

That’s it! Enjoy using the plugin.

If you have problems regarding using the plugin, please contat me and I’ll help you.


  1. Great function for wordpress. I like this plugin.

  2. Привет!

    Было бы здорово сделать показ контента без редиректа, Аяксом. в планах есть что-то подобное?

    За плагин спасибо, купил.

    • Спасибо за покупку. К сожалению, сделать так не могу, т.к. внутри залоченного контента в общем случае могут оказаться шорткоды, с выводом которых могут возникнуть проблемы.

  3. Вот еще, что было бы здорово: чтобы плагин мог позволить создать несколько таких сетов. Например, на странице №1 я хочу предлагать Каталог №1 в обмен за подписку. На странице №2 – Каталог №2 и так далее. Если подобное есть или будет в планах – это просто превосходно!

    • Спасибо за идею. Может быть реализую ее, когда руки дойдут, но пока обещать не буду. 🙂

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October 2024