Subscribe & Download

Subscribe & Download is a plugin that allows to distribute files through subscriptions. If people want to download something from your website or from third party websites they must submit their contact details. After submission they receive download link by e-mail. Very simple workflow. All submitted data is saved in database or can be sent to MailChimp or/and iContact newsletter system. All saved data can be exported as CSV-file to be used with any other newsletter systems. Subscribe & Download is a perfect way to extend functionality of your website.


  • Modern and secure opt-in form: CSS3 AJAX-driven opt-in form.
  • Download link is sent to e-mail: users can’t cheat by entering fake e-mails.
  • MailChimp supported: contact details can be submitted to MailChimp through their API.
  • iContact supported: contact details can be submitted to iContact too.
  • CSV Export: all data can be exported as CSV-file to be used with any newsletter systems.
  • Responsive design: opt-in form looks nice on small screens.
  • Terms & Conditions supported: enable or disable terms and conditions for opt-in form.
  • Shortcode driven: insert shortcodes like [sdfile url=”http://download-link-goes-here”].
  • Narrow mode: for sidebars use shortcode like: [sdfile url=”http://download-url-here” narrow=”1″].
  • Enable/disable “Name” field: yes, you can do it :-).
  • WYSIWYG editor: Edit intro content with visual editor.
  • Accept shortcodes: Insert any shortcodes inside of intro content.
  • Easy to install: install and activate the plugin as any other plugins.
  • Translation ready: plugin might be translated to any language.
  • WordPress Best Practices: no any alerts from Plugin Check and WP_DEBUG.

[sdfile url=””]


1. Install and activate the plugin like you do with any other plugins. Once activated, it will create a menu “Subscribe & Download” in left side column in the admin area.

2. Click left side menu “Subscribe & Download >>> Settings” and do required settings. Set your payment gateways parameters, e-mail address for notifications, e-mail template, MailChimp/iContact parameters, etc.

3. Go to any post/page edit page and insert shortcode like that:
[sdfile url=”http://download-link-goes-here”]
[sdfile url=”http://download-link-goes-here” title=”New Intro content goes here.”] – overload intro content by inserting attribute “title”.
[sdfile url=”http://download-link-goes-here” narrow=”1″] – display narrow opt-in form.
Shortcode is replaced by opt-in form automatically.

That’s it! Enjoy using the plugin.

If you have problems regarding using the plugin, please contat me and I’ll help you.


  1. It would be nice to be able to add a custom tex above the input boxes. For eample: “Complete your name and email to receive this free dowload (check your spam folder)…”

    Are you planning to add it? I can pay to have that feature!


  2. Good!…I can see it now in your demo.

    1) Can you paste some shortcodes examples to view how to do add text above input boxes?

    2) Will this plugin has any antispam feature? Will I receive a lot of spam emails?

    Thanks! (I will buy it tomorrow)


    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi. You can set this text using 2 ways:
      1) On plugin settings page (see parameter “Intro” on screenshot above).
      2) Through shortcode like: [sdfile url=”http://download-link-goes-here” title=”New Intro content goes here.”]

      This plugin doesn’t need spam protection, because 1) This is not html-form (it is two separate input fields, not combined into form), so robots can’t find and submit this form. 😉
      2) Data is submitted through AJAX with additional parameters, which are not available in input-fields.
      In couple words – for robots there is nothing to submit.

      PS: This plugin is waiting for approval from CodeCanyon staff. 🙂

  3. You are awesome!

    You shuold add a new box to be able to edit the “Download link was sent to” Lot of us need to translate that text to other language or show a different success message. If it is not possible, tell me if it can be translated with CodeStyling Localization plugin or the filename where to hardcode it.

    I will buy many of your plugins soon but I need this one now. Can I pay with PayPal or only from CodeCanyon? (how long does it take approval?)

    Thanks! 😉

    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi. The item was approved. Good idea about “Download link was sent to”. Probably I will include it into future ToDo list. For now you can edit this string in main php file (line # 577). Plugin is also translation ready, so if you know how to create .po and .mo files you can create your own translation (you need to put two files like subscribedownload-fr_FR.po and them into folder “language”).

  4. I am buyer now & I am using it!

    When I try to do translation with CodeStyling Localization plugin, I get this error:

    “The translation file folder is ambiguous, please select by clicking the appropriated language file folder or ask the Author about!”

    But no plugin folder has any po an mo file. It seems that it needs at least an initial english po and mo ???


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July 2024