Donation Manager

Donation Manager is a plugin which handles donations on your WordPress website. You create donation campaign, place shortcode on page and start receiving donations. The plugin allows your visitors/readers to donate and include them into list of donators. The plugin does it in automated mode and accept payments through PayPal, Payza/AlertPay, Skrill/Moneybookers, Authorize.Net, 2Checkout, InterKassa, EgoPay and Liberty Reserve.


  • Handle donations on website: use this plugin to handle donations.
  • Multiple payment gateways: accept donations via PayPal, Payza/AlertPay, Skrill/Moneybookers, Authorize.Net, 2Checkout, InterKassa, EgoPay and Liberty Reserve.
  • Shortcode driven: insert shortcodes like [donationcampaign id=”XXX”].
  • Multiple campaigns: manage multiple donation campaigns.
  • 2 templates: best view for light and dark themes.
  • AJAX-ed donation form: submit donation form details without refreshing the page.
  • Easy to install: install and activate the plugin as any other plugins.
  • Translation ready: plugin might be translated to any language.
  • WordPress Best Practices: no any alerts from Plugin Check or WP_DEBUG.

Front End Functionality

The best way to describe how the plugin works is to show live example. Click demo link. On this page you can see donation form and list of donators, associated with campaign “Donate me for trip to Nepal :-)”. You can fill up the form and click “Submit” button. If everything is OK, system asks you to confirm provided information and redirects to PayPal, Payza/AlertPay, Skrill/Moneybookers, Authorize.Net, 2Checkout, InterKassa, EgoPay or Liberty Reserve to complete donation. After successfull payment your name will be included into the list.


1. Install and activate the plugin. Once activated, it creates menu “Donations” in left side column in the admin area.

2. Click left side menu “Donations >>> Settings” and do required settings. Set your payment gateways parameters, e-mail templates, etc. Please look at the screenshot below to see what kind of settings you can do there.
Back End Functionality: Settings

3. Click left side menu “Donations >>> Campaigns”. In this section you can create and manage campaigns. After you created new campaign, take shortcode from “Shortcode” column and insert it into any page.
Back End Functionality: Campaigns

That’s it! Donation Manager starts receiving donations for you!

As an administrator you also can manage all donators.
Back End Functionality: Donators

If you have problems regarding using the plugin, please contat me and I’ll help you.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. 🙂


  1. Hi Ivan, can the donation form be customized? For example, i would like to give our donors options for where their donation should be directed. Essentially, a set of radio buttons or checkboxes.


    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi Brad. Unfortunately, the plugin doesn’t have such function.

      • thanks for the quick reply Ivan. I’m going to buy your plugin anyway; looks solid and better than what i’ve seen out there so far. However, it would be a great feature to allow custom fields in order to capture additional information about donor. You think it could be something you work into a future release? Thanks!

      • Ivan, just purchased your plugin. I received paypal email receipt confirming purhase. When should i receive link to download plugin? Thanks, Brad

  2. How i get the Rotation – like here on your site – in the sidebar?

    • Ivan Churakov

      There is separate plugin on sidebar. It is Donation Contest Widget. It’s free.

  3. hi ivan, bought your plugin; have need received link to download. please advise.

    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi Brad. Thanks for purchasing the plugin. I’ve just sent download link to your e-mail. Please check.

  4. Hey Ivan.
    Like your plugin, congrats.
    However, would like a function where there is a donation meter/wheel to show the total donated against a target amount.
    Any chance that this could be added.

    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi Michael. Thanks for interesting in the plugin. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have such feature. It displays total amount and target to reach.

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