Contact Me – AJAX-ed Contact Form

Contact Me is an elegant and light AJAX-ed contact form. It’s a plugin that generates AJAX contact form, which can be submitted without refreshing the page. All you need to do is to activate the plugin and insert simple short code [contactme] into posts/pages. As a result your visitor will see AJAX-ed contact form like below. Try the form and see how it works.

Please fill in the following form to contact us

You also can extend standard shortcode by using attributes “title” and “width”. Examples below:
[contactme width=”350″]
[contactme title=”This is custom title”]
[contactme width=”400″ title=”This form has custom width and title”]

Currently contact form goes with two CSS-driven themes: “Under the Sun” was designed for light WordPress themes, “Deep in the Universe” is well suited for dark themes. Also it has invisible protection against of spam bots (no captcha needed).

Once activated the plugin creates settings page, located under “Settings” menu. Contact Me - AJAX-ed Contact Form

The plugin’s code created according to WordPress development Best Practices. It is clear and well formatted. If you are beginner, you can learn different WordPress programming techniques using this plugin.

Plugin is translation ready. Please help to translate it to different languages.

Download Contact Me plugin from WordPress plugin repository.


  1. u menia ne rabotaet / doesn’t work for me

    • Приветствую. Датйте, плиз, URL странички, где размещена форма. Гляну, что не так.

  2. We’re having issues with it as well. We specify the email address we want the emails to be sent to but we don’t get any of them. Do the email address specify have to be the same domain as the website?

    Thank you!

    • Hi Frank. What is your hosting provider? Could you please provide access to WP dashboard. I will debug the problem. If you wish, you can submit details via form in this post.

  3. Also problems here.

    If i use it sends without an error but the mail never arrives.

    If i use i get the error message “Internal error occured!”

    We use an own mailserver. What can be the problem?

    Kind regards,

    • Hello Martin. I can’t tell you exactly what the problem in your case. Please do experiment: please set “Sender e-mail” as those one which really exists on your mail server. Then set checkbox “Send confirmation e-mail”. Leave any message with existing e-mail and check if you get message from “Sender e-mail”.

  4. I get the following message when I press sent button:
    “Internal error occured!”

    What’s wrong?!

    • This happens if WordPress can’t send message using its internal mail sending function wp_mail(). Please provide access to WP dashboard and I will check what is wrong. You can submit details via the form above.

  5. the field names are in English..would it be possible to translate them into another language?

    • Hi. Plugin is translation ready. Inside of “languages” folder there is “default.po” file. You can insert translation there, using Poedit or similar software. Please send translated files to me and I will include it into package.

  6. Hi Ivan,

    thanks for your reply…the “.po” file is translated into Slovene language – would you like me to send it to you through e-mail?

  7. Hi Ivan,

    Thanks for this free plugin.
    I’ve just translate it to Spanish, I´m sending it to you..

    • Hi Javier. Many thanks for your translation. I will include it into next release.

    • Hola Javier, me gustaria traducir mi formulario. si puedes mandarme el archivo de la traduccion a mi email (julasogmaildotcom)te lo agradezco. Saludos 😀

  8. Hi installed the plugin and all working well until all of a sudden it hangs when you click send, it still sends but
    freezes on the send progress circle. is it something i`m doing wrong. any help greatly appreciated. , great looking form.
    Thanks Richard

    • Hi Richard. It happens because of cross domain AJAX call. Please go to WP dashboard , then click “Settings->General” and make sure that “WordPress Address (URL)” is set as “”. It seems that now it is “”.

  9. I have attached your contact form on my website. everything works fine on the website. But I don’t actually receive any email if someone were to contact me thru your contact me form plugin. Please help Ivan. Thank you

  10. you there? Please help me out man..

  11. Thanks for this great plugin.. It worked with me fine but after few days when pressing submit it redirect me to the root not the same page & didn’t get any error notification.Hope you can help me !

  12. I would like to know which page this messsage is sent from. For instance, if I have a contactme form on two different pages, how can I tell which page it was sent from?


    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi Tim. I will include this option into next version.

    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi Tim. I’ve updated the plugin. Now it includes info about the page where the form was submitted from. New version 1.31.

  13. Hello there, Can you help me out Ivan? Right now I removed the contact form from the website because it was not working. should i put it back up so you can take a look at it? Everything works fine on the website but I don’t actually receive a email notification…Please help me out, I really like your contact form, I think it’s the best one out there…

    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi. I’ve updated plugin up to version 1.31 and changed some mail headers. Probably it will solve your problem.

  14. I updated the plugin. Can you please look at it and tell me what I am doing wrong? I just don’t receive any email notification… 🙁

  15. Hello,

    As I go to Contact Me – Settings and register the modifications, I don’t get the html code.
    How do I insert the CONTACT ME button in my widgets ?


    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi Elo. What HTML-code you mean? To insert form into website please use [contactme] shortcode.

  16. Ivan it works perfectly but how can I change the title “comments” to “your contact info and comments”


  17. Hi Ivan,

    where can I find the shortcode? I have already activated the plugin settings page.

    Thanks a lot


  18. Hi Ivan, I would like to add two receiving email, as I do?

  19. I too get the following message when I press the send button: “Internal error occured!” I am guessing I have to have a mail server on the same server where my site resides? Thoughts?

    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi William. This message appears if wp_mail() function doesn’t work. Please provide access to WP dashboard and I will check hat is wrong. You can submit your details via the form on this page.

  20. How can I change the text on form?

    What I mean is to translate “your name” into my native language.

    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi. You need to translate .po file for this plugin. You can find it (and example of translation to other languages) in folder “languages”.

  21. Is there any way to add more fields to the mail form???

  22. Hi.
    I really like this plugin, I have installed but get this error message when i click on submit:
    “Internal error occured!”
    Any thoughts

  23. Hi , not sure if this is the correct form to ask a question, but have installed the contact me plugin but am getting a “Internal error occured!” when I click on the submit button.
    Any ideas on a solution as I really like the look of this plugin.

  24. It comes “Internal error occured!”

    PLease reply 😥

    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi. Please try to set really existing e-mail located on the same domain as sender e-mail.

  25. It does not work for me either, the “internal error occured” when I press submit all the time.

    • Ivan Churakov

      Please try to set really existing e-mail located on the same domain as sender e-mail.

  26. Dear Ivan

    I’ve just implemented your Contact Me Form on our upcoming Website. It seems to work fine. I worked trough the translation file for german language. How can I send you the “contact-de_DE.po” File?
    Other Question: what do I have to do to activate my translation file in Contact Me?

    Keep up the good work!

    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi Heikki,

      Thanks for translation. You can send it to ichurakov at gmail dot com. To activate translation you need to put file “contactme-de_DE.po” and “” into folder “languages”.


  27. Hi,
    I just installed and activated the plugin and now I get a Database connection error!
    is your plugin updating the wp-config.php??

  28. Добрый день,
    какие коды/команды для форматирования текста можно использовать в подтверждающем сообщении?
    Хотелось бы вставить текст обращения в виде цитаты.
    И еще, как можно поменять шрифт в заголовках формы?

    • Ivan Churakov

      Можете использовать любой html-код.

      • спасибо, только я не силен в этих терминах. html-код так понимаю заключен в такие скобки и

  29. Let say the visitor want to contact more than 1, after succeed for the 1st one, how can we make the form appear again without refreshing the page?

  30. Stupid question but how would I enable a language from the ‘languages’ folder once the language files are there? Would I need to edit or rename any files?

    And will a German version be available in the standard? 🙂

    • Ivan Churakov

      Languages are activated automatically. For example, if you have french WP installation and plugin has french localization, the contact form will have french words.

  31. Hi,

    I would like to translate this plugin. I already have downloaded Poedit.
    But it seems that I need a .pot-file? Only the .po en the .mo are included with the plugin.

    How can I translate this plugin?


    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi. Thanks for your wishes to translate the plugin. Please use default.po instead of pot file.

  32. Hi Ivan,

    Whell, thanks for the tip. I managed to translate the default.po to Dutch. My foreign language.

    How can I send it to you? Your contactform doesn’t support attachments.


    • Hmm, how can I connect the languagefile to Contact Me? I uploaded my new languagefiles. But they need to be connected somehow.

      Any tips?

      • Ivan Churakov

        Hi Jacques. Thanks for your translation. To activate it please rename your .po and .mo files like contactme-nl_NL.po and and place them into folder “languages”. Please also send these files to ichurakov at gmail dot com and I will include them into package. Thanks. 🙂

  33. Hi, Please let me know how can change to Danish Language.

    Please visit URL

  34. Hi. Is there a way to add a captcha to this plug in?

    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi. Right now it doesn’t need captcha. It sends data using AJAX, so spam robots must be configured to work with this plugin individually.

  35. Hi Ivan,

    I’ve installed your contact me plugin on a client’s website and was wondering whether there is an option to include a subject line that states that the message is coming from that domain name as it is redirected into their office admin email.

    Is there a way I can hard code this into the editor and if so, where will I do this, and what code do I use?

    Would appreciate your help.


    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi Monika. Unfortunately, there is no such option, but the message to administrator contains URL of the page where contact form was submitted.

  36. Hi,

    Just translated your plugin to Danish – can’t get it to work though, but the translation is finished 😉

    I’ll mail you the files.

    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi Lars. Thanks for translation. I’ve included it into new version.

  37. Hi,

    Just wondering if there was anyway to customize this plugin by having it automatically use the author’s email of the post the contact form currently is in.



  38. Здраствуйте! Скажите пожалуйста можно ли эту форму вывести в футер?
    Заранее спасибо за ответ!

    • Ivan Churakov

      Приветствую. Форма выводится по шорткоду. Если ваша тема поддерживает шорткоды, то можно.

  39. This may sound stupid but I do not understand how to add short code [contact me] to my home page. It does not show up as a widget I can drag to my side bar. This is not easy for a non-programmer.

    The installation instructions are not clear to me.

    Sorry. I’d appreciate any help.


  40. Great contact ajax form I ever see.Do you plan to put more option like drop down,checkbox and upload file?

  41. Hi Ivan

    Is it possible for the return key on the keyboard to submit the form rather than having to click the button with the mouse?

    Also, I assume this is released under the GPL license? Like wordpress is so that it can be modified and built on and included in commercial work.


    • Ivan Churakov

      Hi Ben. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to work under this plugin. I will add this feature later, when I have time.

      You can use this plugin as you wish in any kind of projects (I am not strong with licenses, I think it is MIT).

  42. Иван, здравствуйте. Подскажите, пожалуйста, как сделать pop up окно, используя Ваш плагин?

  43. Hi
    Since WordPress 3.3 a new error is appearing:

    Notice: wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or init hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.)

    Even on the TwentyTwelve theme when this plugin is activated this error occurs. Can you post a fix for this?

    Many thanks,

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